Sunday, December 20, 2015

7. Doll-able items.

I've been in kmart Australia this last fortnight, mostly looking for new Our Generation things, and while I'm happy to say the Retro diner has been spotted several times, and is on lay-by, and they've restocked the OG section

It's the same things they've had all year. 

So I've checked and wandered off to the stationary/crafty section and found some things that just might work...



More erasers

And Puffy paint. 

I've not seen (or maybe noticed) these/this product in Australia before. I've been watching some crafty vids on American Girl Ideas, and might just try to make pizzas and things soon. 

I also like the doll sized tubes. 

With the possibility of a diner coming soon to a doll room near me, these donuts looked just about the right size. 

Oh yum

Chocolate and vanilla. 

I thought they compared quite well to the OG sized ones. It's very exciting, we'll have more drink options than just the odd blue ones I have

(I think they match the blue material used in a sleepover set, mmm sleeping bag flavor, might have been by Journey Girls). 

Macaroons on the box, macarons the current fashionable name. When I was a teen we used to go up the coast for holiday to a place called Hawks Nest. There was a bakery there that sold coconut macaroons, mmm they were so yummy, they were dollops of coconut with got no idea what formed into a mound and baked so they were slightly crisp on the outside and chewier in the middle. Yummo, looking nothing like the current popular treat. 
There you go, if you google it there are explanations and they are two different things. So the erasers have been called the wrong thing. Not to worry, out of the box they look like perfect dolly treats. 
I wonder if I can make coconut macaroons with puffy paint?  

They come in a CD case 

I had hoped they would fit in Maplelea Leonie's grippy hand, but are a tiny bit too big, and I didn't want to force them in  in case I damaged her. 

But never fear a rubber band is near and she can hold it with her other

And it's okay with American Girls as well. 

I've got a bunch of half sized regular pencils, they look massive in comparison

But seem almost more to scale. 

I think Loxy (the fox) wants to play fetch, and if like our boys have donuts as well. 
(We donut feed our boys donuts but they will steal anything and give it a go). 

Too big for Monsters

Maybe just right for Maddie. 

Maplelea hands are in between AG and BFC Ink so I think they'll be alright for Leonie anyway. 

Cos it's xmas I had to check the Xmas section. 

I forgot to photograph these before I broke them, but this was the result. They are Tea Wardrobes. Each about 11 inches tall, with a latch able door

I think the 'glass' front is just plastic. I hammered and chiseled (with a flat blade screw driver) a bit off each, glued them together, hid the hideous scar behind white paint and a piece of red ribbon and slid them into the Twinnies kitchen

The door seal still to be broken, two sets of tea jam and sugar cookies. Yummo. 
Oh, and I think I got the last one, and only one but isn't it cute?
A little real gingerbread house, yep I checked it has ingredients with an allergy warning, so it is edible. 

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