Saturday, December 19, 2015

3. Getting back on the board.

Hi it's Maddie again. 
Last Sunday I was studying, I'd also been studying all day Saturday. I had exams all this week just gone, and having missed a bit of school because of my operation and wanting so much to pass year 9 I was studying and studying and not much else. 

Andy came over (hehehe, if you haven't read our old blog you may not know, Andy is my boyfriend. He's a year older than me so he's in a different year at school. He finished his exams a few weeks ago). 
Hey Maddie. 
Hey Andy, a squared plus b squared equals c squared. 
You need a break Maddie. 

Hhhh, but what if I can't remember this tomorrow and I fail and have to repeat and..

It'll be alright. You need a break. Pythagorus isn't going anywhere he'll be right here when we get back. 

Get back? Back from where?
The skate park. 

Oh, um. 

We will bring your board. I will help you study when we get back. 
Oh no the reindeer lost his head. 

Ah. Ha I will help you study and fix the reindeer when we get back. 

Kim on. 

Ooh. (He kissed me). 
Hehehe, I kind of wanted to do that first though. 
I don't mind. 

I'll help you study, fix your reindeer and kiss you, when we get back. 

So we headed to the skate park. Andy rode around for a while, whilst I worked up my courage to progress from observer to participant. (For any new comers, I had fallen off my skateboard about a month ago, and whilst it damaged my leg, which was able to be fixed, it also damaged my confidence). 

Andy was at the top of the ramp and he waved at me. 

I waved back. 

He rode down. You want to try? he asked. 
How bout just balancing on the flat first? I'll hold you, help you get used to articulated knees and ankles. 
Oh okay. 

There you go. 
Oh wow. Much easier to maneuver.  

Look Maddie, no hands, you did that all yourself. 
Haha, I woo. 

It's the smallest slope, come on let's go up. 

Yes Maddie. 
The reason I want to pass my exams so much is because I want to progress, not just in high school but more stuff than that.  Do you know what I mean? 
Yes. The January 1st thing and aging and growing up. 
Yes, but Not too fast. Ha, I think I've been the same age since 2010. Maybe just a bit faster than that. 
What about one year at a time?
Hmmm, Maddie. 
Yes Andy. 
I want the same thing. 

Does progressing mean we'd stop skating or playing with lego? 
I hope not, but it would mean no more exams about right angled triangles. 

Did you say this was the small slope?


It looks awfully big from up here. 

What if I ride down sitting on my board?

Ah, you might end up riding down on the seat of your pants.  At least with standing you can run off. 

I think I can I think I can. 

Yay go Maddie. 


That was so awesome Maddie. 
Wow what a rush. I've missed that. 

That's better now santa can do his delivery. 

Okay, so what's the sum of the angles of a triangle?
180 degrees. 
Yes, these drinks are very blue. I heard there might be a new cafe opening up down near the community hall soon. 
Ooh, I wonder if they're hiring, I'd like to earn some money. 

I think we're gonna have a great new year Maddie. 
Me too. 

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