Up until a couple of months ago I had not seen this doll brand in person in Australia. I do recall an ad for them a few years ago in Grace Bros (Myer) but never got a chance to go see. I found them in Toys'r'us Australia October just gone. Otherwise the access option has been ebay, and they've been quite expensive and never held power over me enough to buy one previously, as BFC ink had been my priority up until July 4 2014 ( the arrival of Llewellyn AG Julie), and American Girl since.
I googled and was able to find a YouTube clip dated 2010 with these dolls in, so they've been around at least since then.
The dolls I have we're copyrighted 2014 and are part of the Shimmer Edition.
I don't know if these dolls are still being made. There is a website, but I think it's always looked like that.
This is the Cinderella tutu and slippers (minus the slippers, they're around here somewhere) and if I can find the pic of Maddie, let's see if I can copy and paste it from the Kiss concert
What the, have the mysteries of linking just been revealed? Hmm sorry just an ongoing learning curve blogging by phone. I guess we'll find out once I publish this post if that link worked.
That's what I meant to do. Here's Maddie (pre body transplant) in that tutu, it's a little loose, but not much, and did the job for the girly I bought it for. I might have been having trouble getting the BFC ink ballet outfit and this one became available.
I also took advantage of a piece of furniture available on eBay
The P&me Royal Canopy Bed. I actually was able to get two.
The incentive, a sleeping space around 21 inches, these beds were perfect for my BFC ink girls and now the American Girl girls.
Antoinette, major Cinderella fan.
Tauralie, putting up with it until she gets something a little more medieval looking.
The funny thing with this bed is that it was listed as having a mattress.
(Like a suit of armor over a ball gown)
Any way onto the dolls....
In the Shimmer Edition
These were the available choices as per the back of the doll boxes
Belle, Cinderella, Ariel, Rapunzel, Tiana, Aurora, and Merida
When I saw these dolls back in October the choices were Ariel and Rapunzel.
Whilst I have no objection to red hair
Australian Girl Matilda
American Girl #61 Tauralie
And a little Merida by Tollytots
And why stop at one, Ariel's hair was very red. When dolls were available for The Little Mermaid in the early 90s I know I preferred Ariel's sister Arista
She is still one of my favorite and remaining Barbie sized dolls. (Probably more Skipper sized).
I might have eventually bought Ariel after leaving home, but she has since been rehomed -probably in the great holiday/AG funding clean out of 2013/2014.
I'd probably even prefer Merida over Ariel if I had the choice, but at this time it was Rapunzel.
Who could resist that face?
Rapunzel's dress Is actually purple not blue, I couldn't get my camera to see the right colour.
You can see it better under her arm. Unfortunately the stains are similar on both arms, fortunately they are the only major stains. She was wrapped in paper from the waist down and this probably saved her from any other major staining.
So the box:
Back specifically for Rapunzel
I do object to humans on my doll boxes, so I've cropped it out, but I guess they were there to represent the 'Me'.
(Another nasty 'me' to cover up)The plastic is decorated with swirls and the sun symbol we see repeated in the movie.
I thought this might have also been the gold glitter outline on Rapunzels skirt but on close inspection it's the flower that gave Rapunzels hair it's power.
The doll is attached to an inner cardboard sleeve and after snipping two taped tabs the sleeve pulls out very easily.
The doll is secured in the box by these paper like twists, part of the hair was sewn into place.
The head was held in through two massive holes in the back of the head.
Out of the box:
Flynn/Eugene was always upset that his 'wanted' posters couldn't get his nose right. I'm not confident I've seen any dolls that look like their movie selves (especially the Frozen ones). My only current reference material for Rapunzel is this DVD book set, that has some stills from the movie.
Do I look like me?
Not really, but I think you're cute and were planning to rename you anyway.
Oh, okay. I don't think my hair is long enough anyway, and well the end of movie me has a short bob.
The hair:
It had some styling product around the face, but not too bad.

Upon first brushing a little hair fall.
Not too bad in my opinion.
The shoes:
A tiny stain on her left heel, the shoes have an unprotected seam.
She does have a feet tattoos. P&M on the left and a serial number on the right in white 1895WT01
The dress:
Despite being evil stainy purple it is very pretty. Aurora had been given the pink dress in this edition, and maybe dressing Rapunzel in the colours of her movie dress might have been too much pink, I don't know.
The dress fits Maddie nicely, with room for dessert
Body: (nudey run alert)
P&M dolls are 18 inches tall.
They are jointed at the neck shoulders and hips. The arms can rotate all the way round, there is no motion away from the body sideways though. The legs have a slight sideways give, and can move 90 degrees only.
The legs on my Rapunzel are stiff and squeal in protest at the moment.
Seated the legs are mostly together
So what to do about the stainy situation. I've yet to have luck with stain removing, but in the mean time I am freeing Rapunzel from her princessness and giving her some civies. To do that I decided to compare body sizes.
Body size: (more nudies)
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