Tuesday, December 22, 2015

10. Next list

With the Xmas list nearly complete and pointless after Friday, I've been thinking of the next list on my list of lists. 
New Years to do list. 
I'd better check first the old list to see though 
Have I done what I'd hoped to do this year? (And can I cheat and keep doing them and add them to the new list, or maybe getting an elusive Round2it and start). 
So Lets hunt down the archives and see what was intended for 2015. 

1. buy shoes: 

Yep, definitely bought shoes. Should I keep doing this?

Yes please. 
Tzeitel so wants to open A Little Doll Shoe Shop. She even has the store name picked out. 

On to the list. 

2. Setting up a school room:

We need to laugh at this. This is the message I put on the schoolroom blackboard back in January (Australian school year goes late January to mid December). This photo I've just taken. So the original message was never removed.  Hahahahaha. 
I suppose it could be said I partly fulfilled this intention. We have a room, blackboard, Teachers desk, shelves for books and stuff, I bought the A G school book. So not exactly fail, just incomplete, and the students did come on the first day, even if it was the only day that happened in blog land. 

One school desk with legs

We can improve on this I hope, so school room goes - On to the list. 

3. Buy something directly from the American Girl online store: 

Tauralie, Truly Me #61

Bridget and Bryndl, Grace Thomas 2015 Girl of the Year. 

Sombrita (a little goatee yo tee) and there were some clothes, like Josefinas dress, Julie's Beforever outfit and Samantha's BF bike riding outfit. 

Would we like to keep going with this intention?  Yes- On to the list. What would you get? Ah now that would be another list. 

4. Try to make some doll clothes using these patterns:
Um, I might have made a skirt, but obviously it was memorable. 
Would you want to keep this one? Not keen. 
5. To finish each girls room/space, including beds with bedding.
I am happy I think I can say most of the girls rooms are liveable. I can't say they'll ever really be done as I'll change them over time. For now I could be happy though to walk away from 

Mercedes' room

Antoinette's room. 

Hanaleis beach house. 

The twins flat. 

Miriam and Llewellyns. 



And Tzeitels. 

But I'd like to make improvements on
Rooms/spaces for Emily, Pippa,


Josefina and Mariana. 

And I need to do something about Trinity's room. 

What? We know where everything is. 

On to the list. 

And lastly for 2015...
6. I want to take more pictures of my dolls in public places that are out of my comfort zone and blog them, and work out who my girls are - likes, interests, backstory, forward story. 

Where'd I go? The vet, the skate park, the beach, the dam, the skate park, the movies, the steam train, the skate park, the zoo farm thingy, build a bear....
So that bit I think I was ok on. 
I think working out who my dolls are will always be a work in progress. 

Need more of this - So onto the list. 

There's still a week and a bit before the big 1-1-16, so I'll keep on thinking and post 2016s list then. 

Happy new year. 

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