Saturday, January 16, 2016

46. The Dolls Wreck This Journal Everywhere: Emily finds a book

So much for summer, it's cold and raining (again), 

Emily and Coconut were wondering what to do, they'd been over to see the delivery at the school of the new desks. There was also supposed to be a matching number of chairs, there were 7 missing. Emily hoped they'd come before school resumed, how do you decide who gets the chairs when there's not enough?

On the way back to her room, Emily found a book

Ooh look Coconut, it says Wreck This J o u r n a l Journal Everywhere. I wonder what it's about?

Hehehe it looks like you're supposed to write in it and hahaha do messy things. That sounds so naughty. 

Hoh! Coconut you've drooled on it, ah hahahaha good boy

There it's official, we've wrecked this journal

Now, there's bits here to fill in. I wonder if the others will want to have a go. I know we'll put
This book belongs to: THE DOLLS

Write your name in white! How, ah chalk might work

I will colour it in green so the next person knows it's there

There I've done some of the others. Ooh look, Note: if found flip to a page ran Dom Ly follow the in stru c t ions instructions the return. 

This one. 
Find a piece of cardboard in the next five minutes. Tape it here. 

Ooh, where would there be? Ah the garbage

Look at this Coconut, it's perfect. 


Some tape

There we are, and our names are their too. Mmm donuts, let's go to the cafe and see if they have any jam ones. 

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