Saturday, October 29, 2016

189. DIY house, who can live there?

The DIY dollhouse I'm making does not come with any occupants. I've made it this far so far where the walls are starting to come together. 

Provided of course that it passes the building inspection and does not need to be bulldozed I was starting to wonder who might be able to live there. 

The clearance floor to ceiling on the ground floor is 8 centimetres (cm), but that does mean you're scraping your head. There is also a fancy light fitting hanging from this ceiling which would reduce the maximum height to 6cm, and the doorway is also 6cm and the bed. Darn that counts me out, and my American Girl dolls. Do we have any candidates suitable?

By royal decree it might just be a Lego house. 

I wonder how tall the Lego friends line of figures are. (House might not be royal enough for her majesty).  My search shall continue. 

This is the kitchen counter with grill and oven, a little too tall for her Majesty. Not that she'd use it herself of course. 

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