Sunday, February 14, 2016

64. Lee or Leah?

So I've listened closely to Lisa Yee, because she should know being the author of the 2016 American girl of the year books. Lisa was on American girl Facebook just before New Years giving clue number 3 for the new girl of the year and she definitely calls her Leah, say it slowly Leeeeaaaahhhhh. Oh, I'd been calling her simply Lee. Leeeeeee. A brand of Margarine in Australia is called Meadow Lea as in the name for pasture 
So it's not my fault, and if I always thought the Leaaarr sound was made by adding the H, aaaahhhhh. Though traditional spelling was probably new at some point, and well some modern spelling is just atrocious. Ke-a is just silly but it is apparently pronounced kedasha. 

So the reason for my pronunciation query was to help determine what Id call Lea/Leah if she fulfilled the twins Xmas wish and came to stay. When naming my dolls I try to add a little of where they came from to the name. Unless it just isn't possible because it's not their name. 
So I was thinking to add Lea/Leah into the given names somewhere and Clark probably as part of a hyphenated surname with the location from whence she came (most likely Middleton) but with a silent dash. 
So I'll keep thinking just in case she comes, I've still got 10.5 months to decide. 
Despite Lisa Yee I'm still calling the original girl Leeeee. 

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