Saturday, September 16, 2017

Dolls of Color month day 15

Day 15 was to be fantasy, but not Western European fairy tales. I was thinking Mulan or Jasmin from Alladin, or even Moana, but they've been Disneyified so wasn't sure they could count.
I really don't know any fairy tales outside the modern common ones, but thought that some of the stories I knew from my past life when I went to church and Sunday school had the fairy tale like story lines, with a little artistic license...
Rahab of Jericho. 
A girl, a walled city, spies, an army, earthquakes, a scarlet rope, being rescued, falling in love and becoming the greatxxx grandmother of a boy born in a stable.

Tzeitel (Rebecca) was first candidate but then kind of thought that Rahab being an outsider would be better suited not being played by an Israelite, and Tzeitel who I've kind of copied after Rebecca, and Rebecca doesn't celebrate The religious Xmas. At my place we do Santa and trees and presents. So long winded explanation I swapped her to have Josefina play Rahab. 

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