Saturday, September 2, 2017

249. Dolls of Color Month

Over in the land of Instagram where I'm spending much of my dolly time these days, it's Dolls of Color month. The organizer has given us 30 tasks, 1 for each day of the month, September. Tasks meaning a photo depicting the theme of the day, which we post with the hashtag #docmonth, and each theme has to include/be about a doll of color.
There have been other monthly photo themes I've noticed since joining instagram, but this is the first that I thought I'd give a go. I think Summer was one of them, and being on the other side of the equator it well didn't happen. 
So let's see how I go. 
The list is the very first posting under the hashtag #docmonth. Which will mean by now a lot of loading. With explanations where thought appropriate by the organizer but the biggest pointer I took was that each theme was open to interpretation. The list:
1. All my dolls of color
2. Blackout (meaning of African origin)
3. Brown town (your other brown dollies)
4. Asian
5. Yellow
6. Faith
7. Diversity
8. Character race bend 
9. Culture
10. Real life hero
11. In memory of 9/11
12. My fav celebrity
13. Plants
14. Aesthetic
15. Fantasy (not western/European fairy tale)
16. Social justice
17. Careers
18. Beauty (as deemed by different cultures around the world)
19. Animals... I was thinking of swapping this with 29.
20. AG characters
21. Time periods
22. Travel
23. Friendship
24. Rainbow
25. Famous scenes
26. Childhood
27. Black and white
28. Create a a DOC character
29. Freestyle... I'm thinking of swapping this with 19 because the 19th is talk like a pirate day
30. Fav agiger/tuber

So what is meant by the term Doll of Color?  My interpretation: From the list I took it to mean the dolls I had that were medium skin toned, dark skin toned or were what I thought to be of Asian appearance. 

I posted this
The naming: top of chair... Tuxedo the kitten, mini Cecile
Back row, left to right.. Miss thingymejig (school teacher), Storri, Zara, Captain Miriam Eastpoint, Miss Wright (school teacher), Mariana, Whynta, Hanalei, India, Danielle Josefina
Front row.. Cadence, Zoe, Calista, Mercedes, Trinity, Pudding the Chocolate Himalayan kitten, with mini Addy, Jerika, 62.2, DeeJay and Calista
there are some Lil Sprouts and Mega Blox American Girls that are not named.

It was after this that I looked up the meaning for Person of colour. 
Wikipedia has Person of color. ... The term "person of color" (plural: people of colorpersons of color; sometimes abbreviated POC) is used primarily in the United States to describe any person who is not white. The term encompasses all non-white peoples, emphasizing common experiences of systemic racism." That was the immediate summary as presented by google. I have read on and also gone to other definitions linked in the text. 
POC certainly has a deeper meaning than what I thought, and I hope I do the month respectfully, and no one is offended, I am not a POC.
I do think I've left one girl out of the Day 1 and that is Tzeitel, my Rebecca. I liked the idea of her Jewish background, and that her family came to America from Russia, I named her after the eldest daughter from the Fiddler on the Roof. I will try to include her in the other days. Ah, and Maplelea Kerin. She is Maplelea Friend KMF11, medium skintone. And my Lea Clarke (GOTY) twins Mikarleah and Lauralee, and their sunkissed vinyl.
Hmmm, I think that's it... Kit, Emily, Pippa, Bridget, Bryndl, Antoinette, Tauralie, Bounty, Rapunzel,  Andy, Maddie, Sadie, Meganne, Lawrie, Llewellyn, mini Julie.. all white, you can go now.

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